After spending years peeling back layers of weight and insecurities to reveal the “real” me, I am passionate about sharing my journey in hopes of inspiring others to start or continue their own journey. I will share my personal story of losing 190 pounds, including the knowledge and tools I have learned to lose and maintain the weight loss, in hopes your next step will be toward a healthy and fit lifestyle. I know what it takes, I know it’s not easy, but I know every person is capable of having a successful journey of their own and I look forward to being part of it.


Sandy’s determination and great attitude allowed her to excel with her fitness and weight loss goals. This same great attitude and determination has led Sandy to seek her life’s purpose of inspiring others to begin and continue on their own journey

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone like Sandy and I’ve been doing this for 30 years! Many people lose weight but few can keep it off. It takes knowledge about nutrition, exercise, hormone balance, and psychology. And, it takes accountability.

She has it all! Sandy wants to help others, and I know she will help many, many people.


Tom Rogers, MD

I met Sandy in 2011 at a fitness resort in Malibu. We quickly became friends. In the following years, she has supported me in my struggle with my weight and fitness. Over that time her advice and, more importantly, her understanding of what it takes to change a lifestyle has helped make me stronger… The two half-marathons we have run together is a small measure of our change and success.

Peter Doran

There has never been a better time than now to gather our strength through rallying together for a healthier body, stronger mind, and happier life. For over 15 years I have watched Sandy struggle… never giving in… and now, through trial and error, she stands healthier, stronger, and happier. Her story is amazing.

Abbie Kelly, NLMT IWA Strength Specialist
See All Testimonials
Peter Doran

I met Sandy in 2011 at a fitness resort in Malibu. We quickly became friends. In the following years, she has supported me in my struggle with my weight and fitness. Over that time her advice and, more importantly, her understanding of what it takes to change a lifestyle has helped make me stronger… The two half-marathons we have run together is a small measure of our change and success.

Abbie Kelly, NLMT IWA Strength Specialist

There has never been a better time than now to gather our strength through rallying together for a healthier body, stronger mind, and happier life. For over 15 years I have watched Sandy struggle… never giving in… and now, through trial and error, she stands healthier, stronger, and happier. Her story is amazing.

Sandy’s determination and great attitude allowed her to excel with her fitness and weight loss goals. This same great attitude and determination has led Sandy to seek her life’s purpose of inspiring others to begin and continue on their own journey

Steven Starnes

Sandy has always been a very driven person, with keen focus on work, family, friends, and sports. The Sandy of today is a testament to her commitment, hard work, and knowledge. . . all factors that enabled her transformation.

Chris Dempers BSc Kin, Medical Exercise Specialist

Sandy is one on the hardest working people I have ever trained/worked with. She is probably the most dedicated person I know to her own personal health, always trying to improve herself. Her personal drive is something I know that allows her to accomplish her self oriented goals whether it be fitness/health or wanting to completely change careers and try out her life long passion of wanting to help others. Can’t wait to see what she accomplishes next.”


Tom Rogers, MD

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone like Sandy and I’ve been doing this for 30 years! Many people lose weight but few can keep it off. It takes knowledge about nutrition, exercise, hormone balance, and psychology. And, it takes accountability.

She has it all! Sandy wants to help others, and I know she will help many, many people.


Let Sandy help you reveal YOUR “real” you


Turning failures and fears into positive motivation.




Staying on track once a plan is in place.


Moving your head so your body can move.



Meal and exercise planning.


During the first 30 years of my life, I built a wall around me, and very few people were allowed to know the “real” me. I was not obese during my school years… “husky” was what my jeans said… but I tried several diets only to fail from lack of discipline. I felt restricted.

At the beginning of my journey, I weighed 320 pounds and wore a size 22.  Now I weigh 130 pounds and wear a size 2/4.

Over the next 12 years, although I was active, bad eating habits and choices in nutrition would result in tremendous weight gain. In 1994, after the end of a 9 year relationship and my subsequent loss of 30 pounds in two months, my transformation began. I was 320 pounds, size 22, and I let the “real” me out. I made changes in my nutrition and joined a gym. Over the next two years, I lost approximately 100 pounds. There have been times of gain, times of loss, times of maintenance… and a journey of forward progress. I have now lost 190 pounds and wear a size 2/4.

My presentation will be filled with humor and content relevant to your audience. Each person can be inspired to start their own journey of losing weight or developing a healthy lifestyle. I will share the knowledge and tools I have learned through the past twenty years to lose and maintain my weight… but most of all, to be real.

Make Today Your Someday!


Have questions or comments for Sandy?

PHONE NUMBER: (423) 292-5260

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